Monday, January 7, 2013

Apologies, New Blog, News

I am very sorry that I have not been posting for awhile, many complex reasons.

New Blog
Crikey another, yes. This blog is for my little upcoming application design studio called Cryark, pardon the non existent pun. For some time I have been doing all of this just for something to do, but now I want to do it full time and become serious with my work and turn it into a profession. I have been a website designer for six years and for all of those years my favorite thing to do was building, changing, and tinkering with the layout for maximum usability. Looking at research of the human interaction and testing different designs was always something of interest. Now I want to turn that into something that will have an outcome; product of some sort. The Cryark blog is where concepts, work, and other related UX article will be posted. Please head over to the blog

The website for Cryark is up, please visit that too


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