Friday, December 27, 2013

Cloud Storage Idea

I have been brainstorming, mocking-up designs, etc for a cloud storage service. Everything is not set in stone and probably going to change. Let me know what you think and if you can help with developing, please message!

... and the idea: Brainstorm Document

History of How Apple Invents

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Okay, Bad Idea.

Okay, that was not a good idea. I though switching the name and domain to UXFort was going to be a nice change, but it was a fatal decision. 'Many' (I say that lightly) websites are connected to the domain in links and since I changed that, visits went from 40-50 a day to 0 a day. I changed it back and rethought the scheme.

DevProtocol is not just me anymore. I want to open it up for anyone who is interested in writing about design, development, or in general technology. Though the main focus is on design (also sharing designs) and development. If you are interested in writing or publishing an article you have already finished please send me (Ryan) an email or message and I can add you to the authors.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Let’s Play: Sketch - The Masking Objects Adventure

Beginner difficulty

Image Achievement:

Having an image in the canvas so you can manipulate it.


In the OS X menu bar, click “Insert”, then “Image…”. That will bring the Finder window up so you can choose the image you want to upload; or drag the image file (it can be from Finder, Pixelmator, Photoshop, etc) and drop it in the canvas.

I find that right-clicking a file then copying it to you clipboard then pasting it into the canvas does not work. I recommend trying it for yourself.

Rectangle Achievement:

Place a rectangle in the canvas so you can manipulate it, like the evil person you are.


Click the shapes icon to the far left in the Sketch menu bar. On the list, click “Rectangle”. Now click and drag your mouse to create a square in the canvas. If you want a perfect square, you can press the “Shift” key while dragging your mouse.

In the Inspector you can use numbers to adjust the size instead of using the mouse if you want.

Masking Achievement:

Making the image masked by the rectangle.


  1. Align the image over the rectangle. If the rectangle is over the image, click the down arrow in the Sketch menu bar when the rectangle is selected.
  2. Select the image and rectangle.
  3. Click “Edit” in the OS X menu bar then click “Mask with Selected Shape”. This will mask only the objects you have selected.

Bonus Achievement:
Rounding the corners of the mask.


  1. In the Layer List, click the folder’s arrow to show the enclosing layers, then click the “Mask” layer.
  2. In the Inspector, drag the Radius slider so the corners are slightly curved.  

Three achievements unlocked, plus a bonus one (if you did it)!

Canvas - Main visual working area in Sketch 2.

Layer List - Left area with the hierarchy of objects.

Inspector - Right area with object preferences.

OS X menu bar - The very top bar which has the Apple logo and the time.

Please tell me of any "Let's Plays" you want me to make... and mistakes I made!

Friday, December 6, 2013

BlackBerry Logo Rebrand

I may or may not be; but I am, unofficially working on a rebrand for BlackBerry. They have a very unique character, but I want it a bit stronger.

A key part of the rebrand is the logo. The new logo is suppose to be recognizable to the BlackBerry brand and add new creative direction.

Would appreciate feedback!