Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Should Microsoft Try Restarting?

You see what I did there...

Now that I have impressed you enough, it will go down hill from now, that was a quote by Microsoft. Moving on to Windows 8, you know the program that let's you have one window open at a time. They wanted to do something different, not usual, something they thought is revolutionary to operating systems. I don't blame them on that, it's good that people are trying to reinvent the look, my self included. If you don't already know, I create concept applications, operating systems, basically any digital interfaces. That's already too much about me. Lose8... oops, win8 did not cut the brick, or cheese, um... mustard? Not sure on the allegory and why would you cut mustard? Anyways, Win8 failed on it's mission, it made using a OS worse and they are all pretty bad to start.

The direction Microsoft is going is unclear, they are just going in all different directions. Of course there are many different respects on "Windows 9", or if they are continuing with their new tradition, "Window 9". The rumors believe that Windows 9 will fall close to releasing in 2013. So why would they release a new operating system right after another, that's too Apple for them. What's with releasing an obviously unfinished Windows RT, which sounds like a very old program already, then they are on about releasing Surface Pro that has full Windows 8 support to run all of your programs. The Windows Phone 8, the one with those awfully ugly tiles which I found to be a down grade from 7, is only there for a space filler before Surface Phone. Fun fact, the name Surface came from a table they made.

Advertising, yes they have that, and everywhere. I have never seen so much pushing for a product. They had a big Windows Phone set up in a city, the have been adverting on subways, adverting on sides of buses, Google advertisements but mainly on Youtube (non of them make any sense),  TV advertisements all the time, website advertisements, and well... you get the point. They haven't worked. On a Nexus verse Surface internet traffic insight, 0.91% of internet traffic is Nexus in this test, Surface has 0.13%. To add in insult to fatal injury, the ads are pathetic.  There is no cerebral purpose to them.

What happened with Zune. I remember having one, then to set it up I had to connect to a PC. This was before I got tired of all of the updates, and service packs, and security threats, and connection issues, so I switched to Mac. The Zune did not work with my PC, it said it was not compatible. I got an iTouch the day after, that worked just fine with my PC. I think a year of two after that, they stopped making them and switched Zune as a market place for your PC, after that they turned it into a Xbox and Windows 8 feature. You may have made some crap, but at least stick by it.

Microsoft has made many bad decisions and are on the track of IBM, well, minus the lead poisoning. Microsoft still had some time left to fix things before turning into a business for businesses. Restart, they need to restart from scratch. Obviously restarting in Windows 8 would be much harder, so thankfully they would only have to do it in real life.

Starting with the operating system. Through away the one operating system fits all idea, hasn't ever been successful, so why try. Create two operating systems, that's more then one by the way. Name it like Mirror or something, but not Windows. When creating your products always remember this "Create everything with everything in mind", that is what I use when creating designs. Even before you start building the new operating system, you must do the most obvious task, hiring. Find people who have some internet prestige, who have already have liked worked. You already know they are good and people respond well with them. Do what I do, by looking at every reviewers comments, read all of the bloggers suggestions, hint, and let the community be really the creators of it.

The second operating system will be used for mobile devices. This will consist of a phone and a tablet adaption, no cross interfaces with desktops. 

The hardware, with the Surface, it seems that your trying to hard to be different, like it's outright unpractical and compromised filled different. You don't have to be different, you have to be better. Different doesn't always mean better. I have a much better set up then any laptop or tablet with keyboard set up, but I am keeping that for my own stuff, as it is just better. A keyboard made out of fabric is ridiculous, why don't you make a mouse out of one, or the whole casing. What you need is a phone that calls people with out sorcery, and a tablet that isn't made out of a sorcerer's clothing. When using a tablet, I don't want to see a desktop version of anything, so why is there something very familiar with Windows 7.

What you need to also make is a desktop computer. You already have something that shows the features of the mobile OS, but now you need some hardware that show the desktop OS off the best. An all-in-one desktop, but don't design it with an abstract painting as inspiration, like you do all the rest. I know colors are coming back to computers, but they are going to go out fast, the idea will be overused then more generic colored computers will be in fashion. The computer should have sophistication with modest design cues, you don't want to be the company with the fabric airplane hat. I don't see adults with those kinds of hats, because they grown up. If you are the company with those hats, people will grow old of you and move to more appropriate ware, you see what I did there.

You may regain many of those lost perspectives when they find out that your changing the whole brand. Also, everyone I have talked to that had current Windows computers said, I'll stick with what I have now or switch to Mac.

Would you like a joke now? Microsoft only has Windows because your stuck inside, there are apples on the outside.

Please give me your take on these addressed issues or you thought on the future of Microsoft in the comments area!

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